The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, which commenced on October 7th, has had a significant impact on college campuses nationwide, exposing a troubling undercurrent of anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism within esteemed institutions like never before.

College campuses have become divided into two distinct groups, with very little common ground between them. However, a video circulating on the internet has revealed that there is at least one shared sentiment between these opposing sides – a dislike for President Joe Biden.

According to Newsweek, on Wednesday, pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the University of Alabama stood on opposite sides of a street, chanting the same slogan. President Biden’s inability to take a definitive stance or uphold a clear position has resulted in alienation from both sides. The pro-Israel faction perceives his messages as mixed and believes that he is undermining the efforts of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in eradicating the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza.

Conversely, the pro-Palestinian group feels alienated due to Biden’s provision of aid, financial assistance, and wavering verbal support for Israel.

In contrast to Biden, former President Donald Trump consistently expressed his unwavering allegiance to America First and its allies. The Trump campaign recently released a campaign advertisement conveying a message of hope, reminding us that despite the distressing images of vocal protesters that inundate us, the majority of college students take pride in their educational institutions and love their country.
