Big League Politics recently published an article stating that conservative election integrity activists have been successful in winning key lawsuits against Democrats, potentially impacting the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. During a gathering of Michigan activists before the Turning Point Action People’s Convention in Detroit, attorney Erick Kaardal, known for his success in 62 election integrity lawsuits, shared insights on their accomplishments with a group of approximately 40 individuals.

“You’re winning. You’re in the game,” he told the activists, comparing them to an “armada fighting asymmetrical warfare.”

Big League Politics reported:

Democrats “long march through the institutions” and their dominance of the administrative state have made it increasingly difficult for Republicans to win over the years, Kaardal explained, but Republicans are finally overcoming the obstacles and now must “win some more” to stop any election steal in 2024.

“We have to ensure that government is following the laws of the people, but if we don’t, the government is going to impose its culture and its whims on us,” Kaardal said.

Kaardal urged the audience to embrace populism defined as “the people working together to improve their government” and believes it is the task of populists to fight back against the Democrats’ perversion of the English language and stop them from imposing their version of Orwellian newspeak to control public perceptions.

“You need someone who says, ‘I represent the people’… and you have to believe there is moral content in the language of the people,” Kaardal said.

In addition to that, Republicans have received another piece of fantastic news for the 2024 election. A well-known political analysis firm has predicted that former President Donald Trump will secure a victory in November against President Joe Biden. FiveThirtyEight, a renowned firm, utilized its comprehensive election model, which takes into account various factors, including a summary of polling data. Their projection indicated that Trump would emerge as the winner in 52 out of 100 election simulations conducted earlier this week.

Although his chances slightly decreased to 51 out of 100 on Friday, the victory still remained within his grasp. Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, highlighted the significance of FiveThirtyEight’s historic projection.

“This is the first time he has EVER led a 538 forecast, in any of his three races,” Kirk wrote.The firm explained that its forecast “is based on a combination of polls and campaign ‘fundamentals,’ such as economic conditions, state partisanship, and incumbency. It’s not intended to predict a winner, but rather to provide insight into each candidate’s likelihood of winning.”

Based on FiveThirtyEight’s simulations, the current likelihood of Trump winning the Electoral College is higher, whereas Biden holds an advantage in the national popular vote. In 38 out of 100 simulations, Trump was projected to secure fewer than 350 electoral votes, while Biden was favored in 28 out of 100 simulations. In terms of the national popular vote, Biden was predicted to win in 59 out of 100 simulations, compared to Trump’s 41 out of 100.

Furthermore, the simulations suggest that Trump has a higher probability of winning at least one state that he did not win in 2020. Trump was projected to win one of these states in 80 out of 100 simulations, while Biden was favored in 48 out of 100 simulations for such states.