The Next News Network exposes a shocking national security crisis as NBC News reveals over 50 illegal immigrants with ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in America. Their whereabouts? Unknown. Gary Franchi delivers a hard-hitting special report on this alarming development and the subsequent grilling of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. As the Biden administration’s border policies come under intense scrutiny, Franchi dissects the explosive confrontation between Mika Brzezinski and Mayorkas. With over 400 immigrants from Central Asia flagged as “subjects of concern,” and reports of continued releases of illegal crossers into the US, the question looms: Is our national security being compromised? Franchi dives deep into the implications of this crisis, exploring the potential threats to American communities and the apparent failure of recent executive orders to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

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“This man lies!”