(Big League Politics) – Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer committed a blood libel when she accused President Donald Trump for an alleged kidnapping plot in which an FBI informant was paid nearly $10,000 to ensnare a handful of anarchist “Boogaloo Boys” into the promulgated scheme.

Whitmer’s dishonesty is apparent as at least two of the men implicated in the dubious kidnapping scheme had attended a Black Lives Matter rally over the summer to show solidarity with the anti-white, anti-police marxist agitators.

The Washington Post has even admitted that 23-year-old Daniel Harris had appeared at a Black Lives Matter rally in Oakland County, Mich. in June. Harris had sympathized with the plight of deceased crackhead George “Fentanyl” Floyd, who has been anointed the patron saint of armed robbers after dying of a heart attack during a police encounter.

However, Big League Politics has learned that Harris was not the only individual implicated in the kidnapping plot to demonstrate his pro-BLM beliefs. We have received photographic evidence showing Harris alongside Joseph Morrison, another individual ensnared in this federal operation.

The photographs come from a pro-BLM rally in Lake Orion, Mich. from June 5, originally taken by The Lake Orion Review:

It remains to be seen if Whitmer ever apologizes for spreading fake news that President Trump and his supporters were responsible for the plot.

While the left-wing ideological underpinnings of the men may raise some eyebrows, a leading patriot in Michigan is wondering if their behavior was even illegal.

Big League Politics has reported on Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf’s comments that the militiamen deserve a fair trial and were possibly justified if they were attempting a citizens’ arrest on Whitmer:

A constitutional Michigan sheriff recently made some controversial comments about the thwarted raid against Governor Gretchen Whitmer that was promulgated by a confidential informant getting paid thousands of dollars by the feds.

While the plot itself is incredibly dubious and has all the makings of another FBI scam, Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf believes that making a citizens’ arrest on Whitmer is justified considering the onslaught of intolerable acts she has inflicted upon her constituents.

Leaf said he had dealt with some of the militia members and that they had always been nice and respectful when he had seen them at events.

“I was shocked. I did not see this coming with those guys, but still, we can’t convict them in the news media here. They do have the right to a fair trial,” he said.

Leaf did not throw the militia members under the bus. He said he does not regret sharing a stage with two of them at an anti-Whitmer rally earlier in the year, and he understands their motives considering Whitmer’s heinous abuses of her authority.

“It’s just a charge,” Leaf explained. “And they say it’s a plot to kidnap. You got to remember that, are they trying to kidnap, because a lot of people are angry with the governor, and they want her arrested. So are they trying to arrest or was it a kidnap attempt?” Leaf asked.

“You can still in Michigan, if it’s a felony, you can make a felony arrest,” Leaf continued, citing Michigan state law to justify his point.

“And it doesn’t say if you’re in elected office that you’re exempt from that arrest. So, I have to look at it from that angle, and I’m hoping that’s more of what it is. As a matter of fact, these guys are innocent until proven guilty so I’m not even sure if they had any part of it,” he added.

Nobody should be crying any crocodile tears for the tyrant Whitmer, who has enraged Michigan citizens by shutting down the economy, sending COVID-19 patients to infect elderly in nursing homes, and flagrantly disregarding the state and national constitution.
