Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is set to face a primary challenger who presents a stark contrast to her left-wing views. According to recent reports, Marty Dolan, a Wall Street investor with an MBA from Harvard University and roots in New York City, has announced his candidacy for New York’s 14th congressional district. Despite running as a Democrat, Dolan aims to bring a sense of rationality back to the party and believes that defeating the three-term “progressive” in the primary is a crucial step towards achieving this goal.
“I am excited to formally announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for New York’s 14th Congressional District,” Dolan said on his campaign website. “The June 25th, 2024, primary will be a referendum: Are we better or worse off from following radical policies?”
He continued by stating that individuals such as AOC, who are considered “progressives,” are viewed as “radicals” whose impact on the Democratic Party is excessive. Dolan further emphasized that the policies of the Democratic Party are failing to ensure the safety of New Yorkers.
“The impact in NYC is obvious: bail reform a disaster, the National Guard in the subway, toothpaste locked up in drugstores but criminals running free, scarce resources directed to (non-sanctuary) immigrants coming from all over the world,” Dolan said.
“These difficulties must be addressed in the context of a runaway $34 trillion federal debt and NYC’s 14% marginal tax rate,” he added. “Regional tax inequality is far more exaggerated in the USA than in any other country.”
Additionally, he highlighted that over the past few years, the progressive Democratic policies in New York have resulted in more than half a million affluent taxpayers relocating from the city, a situation he deemed as “unsustainable.”
“The radicals can’t deliver more than breadcrumbs when they ignore that the primary breadwinners are leaving and brush off taxpayer concerns in favor of abstract populist ideologies,” Dolan said in a reference to “tax the rich” slogans by AOC and those who agree with her.
“Enough is enough,” he added.
The businessman aims to realign the Democratic Party with the vision of the founders, emphasizing that they “left us the blueprint” and expressing concern that the party has veered off track.
“We also urgently need to ‘reset’ our society’s income inequality and harmonize regional differences in social policy,” Dolan stated. “We call our approach the ‘Hamilton Plan v. 2.0’ in honor of one of our greatest New Yorkers, Alexander Hamilton, who forged the independent colonies into a great republic.”
When it comes to extreme policies, AOC recently urged Democrats to “examine” the U.S. Supreme Court in case they regain control of the House in the upcoming elections. The progressive politician is pushing for her party to criticize the court before the 2024 election in order to undermine its conservative majority based on constitutional principles.
“We need to go after the Supreme Court … and through the Supreme Court, we explore the entire network of issues that are most important to everyday Americans: the influence of dark money in creating a government that works against the American people, the majority of the American people,” she told the Off-Message website.
“The Supreme Court is a political institution, and Chief Justice [John] Roberts may not like to hear that, but he works with them, and he knows,” the congresswoman said. “It’s a political institution that responds to pressure. And absent pressure, they are going to do more of what we saw this week, which is enabling and risking our entire democracy at the behest of Donald Trump and Leonard Leo and the entire network that installed them there. And we have to fight back. We need to show people what they vote for.”