(Big League Politics) – Instead of actually investigating Russia-gate players for the biggest political scandal in U.S. history, the FBI is busy staging fake terror plots to entrap and ensnare unsuspecting militia activists.
According to the court affidavit, six individuals in Michigan considered conducting a citizens’ arrest on Governor Gretchen Whitmer for her intolerable actions against the constitution to wreck the economy and shut down the state illegally. The deep state spooks are attempting to paint these actions as some sort of terrorist plot.
“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”
“The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient,” an FBI agent wrote about the motives of the men whose lives the feds intend to destroy to help Democrats.
For talking like the founding fathers and wanting to protect the rule of law, these men are going to be crucified by the deep state. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter terrorists commit anti-white pogroms throughout the nation and the feds routinely cover for their seditious, anti-American revolutionary activity.
Left-wing journalist Michael Tracey noted that this case has all the makings of another federal rouse to dupe the public:
Looks like very elaborate, long-term use of numerous FBI informants in that alleged Michigan militia plot
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 8, 2020
The Detroit News noted that “those present included an FBI confidential source who recorded the meetings” and that “the source has been paid $8,600.” The anonymous coward took 30 pieces of silver to commit this frame job on behalf of the federal jackboots.
Michigan State Police Col. Joe Gasper confirmed that state law enforcement is fully on board with the FBI’s war against 2nd Amendment supporters.
“But it does send a very vivid reminder that while we may be in a period of discourse, possibly even divisiveness and fighting across the nation, law enforcement stands united,” Gasper said.
Six men have been hit with the federal charges. They have been identified as Ty Garbin, Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is expected to announce more charges against activists in the days to come, as the Democrat administration exploits this fake sting to target their political opponents.
Big League Politics reported earlier this year on how the fake news media and veteran deep state criminals were bragging publicly about their intentions to ensnare white patriotic Americans in these sort of promulgated terror stings to deprive them of their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness:
MSNBC host Katy Tur recently interviewed former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi in a segment in which the two seemingly endorsed creating false flag scenarios to radicalize white “extremists” and entrap them in false flag operations.
“When you’re looking at ISIS or you’re looking at radical Islamic terrorism, I’ve covered a number of stories where the FBI would track young kids, or young men, and they would talk to them online, and say ‘you know, here’s how you build a bomb,” or “here’s where you get your bomb-making materials,” and they track that person as that person radicalized and then arrested them before they could do anything bad,” Tur explained.
“Why is the same not being done for white extremists or is the same being done and we just don’t know about it?” She asked Figliuzzi.
“No, it’s time, it’s time to seriously ask that question and to wrestle with it because politics does enter in, and as you’ve said, as soon as you mention even the need for a domestic terrorism statute, right, that addresses this, you’ll hear people start screaming, ‘This is the thought police. You’re trying to suppress thought.’ My answer to that is: This is not about thought. This is about verbalizing an intention to commit violence. That’s what we’re talking about,” he responded.
Figliuzzi called for a massive Draconian crackdown on digital free speech led by law enforcement and noted that President Trump and his supporters should be the focus of these efforts.
“It’s time to hit it head on and do it in partnership between law enforcement and providers… And if we don’t get out in front of it, it will just keep happening because the President represents a bully pulpit where there is fresh daily content of radicalization. The same goes for a state-subsidized news network that refuses to denounce this kind of thing. Radical Islamists would give their right arm to have that kind of fresh daily content,” he added.
This is another shameful example of the systemic racism perpetrated against white people in diversity-occupied America.