President Joe Biden’s campaign celebrated former President Donald Trump’s birthday by unveiling a compilation of 78 satirical “achievements.” Among these was the inclusion of the “Bloodbath Hoax,” in which Trump expressed concerns about the potential negative impact on the American auto industry under a second Biden administration, citing his reservations about the radical electric vehicle policies.

However, the mainstream media and the Biden campaign swiftly distorted Trump’s remarks, taking them out of context and falsely asserting that he was endorsing “political violence.”

Two additional instances of hoaxes can be found on the post, such as the false claim that Trump recommended people inject bleach into themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the hoax regarding Charlottesville’s “fine people.”

Breitbart previously reported:

“Trump never told anyone to inject bleach, much less in their arm. Nor did he tell anyone to ingest bleach — another common Democratic Party talking point. On Thursday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed — falsely — that Trump told people to “swallow Clorox.” As Breitbart News has noted, and as the transcripts of White House press briefings confirm, Trump was discussing the future use of experimental ultraviolet light technology to disinfect surfaces and remove the coronavirus. The UV technology is already being used to disinfect offices and other spaces. Trump wondered openly whether it might be possible to “inject” UV light into the body — a technology that is currently in development, and which was reported in the media just days before. When he was asked a follow-up question about whether he thought disinfectant should be “injected into a person,” Trump said no: “It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area.”

Regarding the Charlottesville Hoax, the list states, “Donald said there were ‘very fine people’ among the crowd of white nationalists and neo-Nazis who chanted ‘Jews will not replace us in Charlottesville.’”

President Trump unequivocally denounced the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville during the events of August 2017, emphasizing his disapproval with utmost certainty. Furthermore, it is important to note that the violent incident in Charlottesville involved not only the neo-Nazis but also the presence of aggressive Antifa extremists, dressed in black attire.

Regarding the mention of “very fine people,” Trump was specifically referring to individuals participating in peaceful protests both in favor of and against the removal of a statue depicting Confederate General Robert E. Lee.