According to a prominent political analyst, President Biden is facing a significant challenge as former President Donald Trump gains momentum and pulls ahead in recent polls. During his appearance on Fox News Thursday evening, Hugh Hewitt drew a parallel between the current situation between Trump and Biden in the polls and a renowned horse race.

“The former president is establishing a lead, the sort of lead if you are watching the Kentucky Derby or any of the other, Belmont Stakes, you’d be tearing up tickets if you didn’t have money on the horse named Trump,” Hewitt told anchor Bret Baier.

“He is pulling away,” he declared. “I want to go back to the CNN poll. He is 11 points ahead of Joe Biden on voters 18 to 34. That’s a crisis for him.”

In the meantime, a remarkable recent poll released on Friday has generated significant speculation among political analysts that Trump is positioned to secure a clear victory over Biden in November, especially if the numbers remain consistent.

“Trump’s lead over President Joe Biden has nearly doubled in the new Rasmussen Reports poll and could go even higher after today’s unexpected jump in unemployment. The latest 2024 election numbers shared with Secrets had Trump at 46%, Biden at 36%, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 9%,” the Washington Examiner reported.

According to the outlet, Trump’s lead over Biden has increased to 12 points in a five-person race that included two other unlikely candidates. Among likely voters, 48% endorse Trump compared to Biden’s 36%. The latest survey suggests that Trump has gained support from both Biden and Kennedy supporters. The survey also reveals that Trump has maintained his popularity among black voters, who typically vote for Democrats at a rate of 90% or higher. Trump’s approval rating among black voters stands at 21%, while Biden’s approval rating is as low as 61%.

Although the survey analysis does not provide specific reasons for Trump’s surge, the results align with a week where he received significant attention by holding daily press conferences outside the court during a hush money trial in New York City. These events, along with Trump’s focus on his second-term agenda, have garnered substantial media coverage, particularly from left-leaning TV networks like CNN. The Examiner also reported that Trump outlined his plans to supporters of the MAGA movement should he be reelected.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has been facing economic challenges, including inflation and public dissatisfaction with rising prices. Additionally, his Middle East policies have sparked widespread campus protests, further straining his political position. Rasmussen’s national poll reflects other polls indicating Trump’s advantage in crucial battleground states that will play a significant role in determining the election’s outcome. It also highlights the decline in Biden’s recent rise in popularity, as noted by the outlet.

“It is notable that Rasmussen’s model uses a sample percentage very close to the outcome of the 2020 race. And that means it includes a slightly higher percentage of Democrats. In this poll, 35% of those surveyed were Democrats, 33% were Republicans, and 32% were independents,” the Examiner reported. “The survey also asked about voter enthusiasm and found that 71% of likely voters are excited about voting in November. Democrats, however, aren’t as enthusiastic as Republicans, 71%-81%.”