Two Senators who advocate for abortion rights have expressed their discontent with Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris regarding her proposal to abolish the filibuster in order to establish protections for nearly unrestricted abortion access.

During an interview with Wisconsin Public Radio on Tuesday, Harris advocated for the termination of the legislative filibuster in the Senate to enshrine the right to abortion and to dismantle state-level pro-life regulations, a decision that carries significant legislative and societal implications that extend well beyond the issue of abortion. Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV), who has transitioned to an independent status while continuing to caucus with the Democrats, has announced to CNN that he will no longer support Harris’s presidential candidacy.

“Shame on her,” Manchin said Tuesday “She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together. If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids.”

As for Manchin supporting Harris, “that ain’t going to happen,” he said. “I think that basically can destroy our country, and my country is more important to me than any one person or any one person’s ideology… I think it’s the most horrible thing.”

Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), who, similar to Manchin, has transitioned to an independent status while continuing to caucus with the Democrats, criticized Harris for her “terrible, shortsighted” stance.

“To state the supremely obvious, eliminating the filibuster to codify Roe v Wade also enables a future Congress to ban all abortion nationwide,” Sinema posted on X Tuesday. “What an absolutely terrible, shortsighted idea.”