During her appearance on MSNBC, Dasha Burns from NBC News highlighted that her attempts to imply that former President Donald Trump is racist have been met with resistance from black and Hispanic voters. This observation was made in light of Trump’s recent rally in the Bronx, a predominantly Democratic and Hispanic neighborhood, where numerous Americans gathered.

Burns explained on “Ana Cabrera Reports” that when she presents instances of Trump’s alleged racism to black and Hispanic voters, they often remain unaffected as they believe their lives were more favorable during his presidency compared to President Joe Biden’s.

“I talk to these voters about the Central Park five,” Burns said. “I talk to them about some of the comments that he’s made, and the policies beyond rhetoric, right? They are just so focused on what their lives are like right now, what they can feel tangibly that when I push back with those comments, they shut that down.”


Charlamagne Tha God, a radio host, highlighted three concrete aspects that black Americans might find favorable in Trump’s administration during a recent discussion with The New York Times. He specifically mentioned two economic policies implemented to aid the economy amidst the COVID-19 crisis, along with one policy related to criminal justice reform, as potential factors contributing to Trump’s support among black voters.

“They said, ‘listen, he might say some things.’ Again, they focused on the rhetoric still because they feel like that’s what the media sort of consistently puts out there,” Burns added. “They say ‘he might say some stuff that’s offensive, but at the end of the day, I feel like my life was better under former President Trump than under President Biden.’”

“This is what I hear from voters consistently, and we see this reflected in the data as we’re seeing these numbers of black and Hispanic voters sort of getting chipped away from the Democratic Party and moving towards Trump … I see this consistently as I talk to these demographics,” she said.

According to a recent poll conducted by the New York Times/Siena College, Trump has managed to reduce the deficit with Biden among black and Hispanic Americans in the six swing states. The poll reveals that Biden is currently leading with 70% to 18% among black voters and 47% to 42% among Hispanic voters. On a different note, CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten expressed concerns about Biden’s reelection prospects, citing Trump’s Bronx rally as a negative indicator due to its representation of the shift in Latino voters.

“This is a sign of the Hispanic movement that we saw last cycle, right, where we saw, although Hispanics still favored the Democratic candidate in Joe Biden, they were less likely to favor him than they did Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama both times,” Enten said. “And it’s not just there that happened. We saw it in Hispanic precincts and counties across the country from southeast Florida, southern Texas, even in the Los Angeles area.”